Visual Quotations 21: Beginning

“He who chooses the beginning of the road chooses the place it leads to.”  – Harry Emerson Fosdick

Alberta prairie near Medicine Hat

 Policeman’s Point, Medicine Hat, Alberta

There is a new challenge on the horizon.  Ese’s Voice is sponsoring a Shoot and Quote each Sunday.  Her choice, for this her first week is: Beginning

16 thoughts on “Visual Quotations 21: Beginning

  1. The mood of the photo is so inviting and mystical of the same time. Like a promise of a new road ahead. A wonderful pairing with the quote.
    Thank you very much for being a part of this challenge.


    1. Thanks, Bulldog. I’ve found that sometimes black and white is just what a photo needs. Some shots that are kind of blah in colour, if they have good tonal value, pop in b/w – strange as it may sound 🙂


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