Left Behind

When my husband passed away in March 2016 I felt abandoned, left behind to fend for myself.  Now, leaving the year 2016 behind, I feel an easing of my grief. But I do not want to leave him behind; I want him always in my present.  Perhaps I am getting near to that place where I can keep him close while moving forward. Combining my current … Continue reading Left Behind


Just when I think there are no more tears left, something like an anniversary comes along.  I woke this morning with my eyes already welling with tears and as I blinked they escaped and dropped to pool on my pillow.  Today marks the day I fell in love with my husband.  Just like that. Over dinner. Combining my current state of grief with my pastimes of art and … Continue reading Desiccated

Five Minute Friday: Goodbye

Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.  We set a timer, throw caution to the winds and try to remember what it was like to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. Write for 5 minutes flat on the prompt – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking


She was in the process of moving.  Since her husband died she was finding it harder and harder on her own.  It was time to be closer to her daughters.  Then, struck down herself she ended up in the hospital.  She seemed to be on the road to recovery … her daughter visited and brought a pot of tea, because the hospital tea was just too terrible.  They laughed together and parted with the words, I love you.  Then, Continue reading “Five Minute Friday: Goodbye”

There will never be another Jaxxon

An anniversary today, a sad one.  It’s been a year since we lost our dear, sweet Jaxxon.  Man’s best friend? Yes.  A comfort?  Yes.  Home-grown amusement?  Yes.  A frequent topic of conversation?  Yes.   A warm and fuzzy?  Yes.  A loving companion? Yes.  Do we miss him?  Yes, yes, and yes again.

We got Jax because of my husband – never had a dog that was just his, wanted one, we got one.  I was more hesitant. I’d had ‘my dog’ – Continue reading “There will never be another Jaxxon”