Round Houses of Veryan

Veryan is a village on the Roseland Peninsula in Cornwall, England. There one will find five Round Houses built in the early 19th century, with thatched roofs and a cross on top. A pair stands at either end of the village and one is in the village itself. It is said they were built round so that there was no corner in which the Devil could hide and that the crosses were meant to drive the Devil away, so they say.

Veryan round houses SL BW 8x6

Cee’s black and white challenge is: Houses

4 thoughts on “Round Houses of Veryan

  1. There’s a round one in Devon on the Powderham estate, the legend says that a man had 4 daughters, each use to sit corner but when the fifth came along he built a round house so that they couldn’t squabble about the corners!

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    1. The legends that go with some of these oddities are worth capturing as much as the photos themselves. A lot of legends to go with bridges as well. Every Devil’s Bridge has a story to go with it 🙂 Thanks for that additional bit of interest, Gilly. Have a great weekend.

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