Photo Editing: Layering for dummies

Stacy over at Visual Venturing hosts the After Before challenge and we all love her for it.  🙂

Though I have looked at Photoshop layering a number of times I have never been able to get any joy; I’ve never been able to figure it out.  HOWever, a fellow blogger pointed me towards Pixlr where even I have had some measure of success.  I don’t know if I did this in the shortest number of steps, but I did it. I started with these two photos:

I made sure the images were the same size (because it wasn’t working for me when they weren’t).  First I played with the river shot in Sagelight, adjusting lighting and detail until I arrived at this:Raisin R 2 infrared SL bu_edited 8x6

I loaded this version into Pixlr.  Then under the tab “Layer” I selected “open image as layer” and loaded the image of the geese. With the move tool I positioned it and adjusted the opacity slider so it looked like this:

Raisin R 2 infrared SL bu bird sample

I didn’t like the white flare of clouds that came with the geese and so took the geese shot into Sagelight and used the clone tool to remove the cloud, and then layered the adjusted version over the river shot for this:

Raisin R 2 infrared SL bu birds again 8x6

Still some flare but I took this image into Sagelight and cloned it out, along with the geese in front of the trees. Also adjusted the lighting again, and removed the blue cast.  As a result of the layering the geese had a yellow tinge.  My fix for this was to use the threshold option in Sagelight which worked well.  This is my finished image.  Ta Da!  I actually layered something.

Raisin R 2 infrared SL bu birds again_edited 8x6

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20 thoughts on “Photo Editing: Layering for dummies

  1. Lynne, you’re showing me up, mastering my own “technique” of the painterly approach. I love what you did with the base image. Adding the birds was icing on the cake. Just a great job!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Most definitely a creative approach to layering. I have used Pixlr but never sagelight and the overall effect seems to be one that you were looking for. I like the colours as they feel more painterly in the palette than photographic. A Nice final image.


    1. Being a painter (watercolourist) first and a photographer second, I do like the painterly effects that can be achieved in photography through editing. Appreciate your comments, Ben, as always.


  3. I think you did a fantastic job with layering. Perhaps this project was your ah-ha moment. 😀 Love the After, and the geese make the image even better. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay for you, Lynne!! That’s a huge accomplishment, no matter what way you accomplished it 🙂 I really do like the addition of the geese, so it was a project worth doing. Lovely final result!


    1. I’ve looked at layering several times in PS Elements and for whatEVER reason, I can’t understand how it works, so good for you, Carol 🙂 And thank you.


  5. What you did with the water and trees is quite beautiful on it’s own. When you added the geese, I thought woopps! but by the time you finished, wonderful image.
    I like it very much.

    Liked by 1 person

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