Turn around and you’re tiny

Where are you going, my little one, little one,
Where are you going, my baby, my own?

Many parents of grown children are heard to comment on how fast the time goes. We proudly and eagerly witnessed their early milestones … and were grateful when we no longer needed to visit the diaper aisle.

Turn around and you’re two, turn around and you’re four

1983We treasured the new-found freedom when the last one entered school full-time and couldn’t wait until the hunt for after-school day care and summer camp was no longer  a stressor.

Turn around and you’re a young girl going out of my door

Every young parent hears it – treasure the time, it will be over soon enough.  Nonetheless, one day we see …

2012and we wonder how and when thirty years transformed into one fleeting moment.

Turn around, turn around
Turn around and you’re a young girl going out of my door

Written by: Harry Belafonte, Alan Greene & Malvina Reynolds

Weekly Photo Challenge is: Fleeting

14 thoughts on “Turn around and you’re tiny

    1. Well, really Gilly, it just goes by too darn fast – why did it take ages for Christmas to roll around every year? And the summer vacation lasted forEVER. Yet THIS goes by so fast. 😉


  1. Yes and just think our parents went through the same emotions…what a circle of life! thank you my friend for reminding me if the important moments in life.


  2. Each moment is precious; treasure them all. Relish the past, and plan for the future knowing it is uncertain. Live in the moment as best you can knowing that is all that really exists, the right now… Always, always know you are the lucky one.


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