They Come in Pairs

Not the usual setting one might expect for penguins.  I never thought of sand and rock; I always thought snow and ice.  I learned that penguins, at least these Magellanic penguins, nest in burrows in the sand. The Magellanic penguins are found in southern Chile, southern Argentina, and the Falkland Islands.  They are about 2 to 2 1/2 feet tall and they are the most engaging little fellows.  These were shot at Otway Sound in southern Chile.

Thanks to Ailsa at Where’s My Backpack for this week’s travel theme: Couples

16 thoughts on “They Come in Pairs

  1. Cute pictures!. I remember being enchanted by these little guys when I saw them in Argentina a few years ago now. It was early April and they were heading south for winter. It was so poignant watching them dive into the water to start that treacherous trip.


    1. These photos were taken in December – and they are very enchanting aren’t they? I can’t help but smile every time I look at these photos, wandering about in their little tie and tails …


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