
As I took this photo of the interior of a shop, the child walked into the frame, appearing ghost-like in the developed image.  I have enhanced it slightly  and it strikes me as a good book  cover for a novel about anyone who is lost, either physically or figuratively. Below is the original image The weekly photo challenge is: Cover Art Continue reading Lost


“Monsters will always exist. There’s one inside each of us. But an angel lives there, too. There is no more important agenda than figuring out how to slay one and nurture the other.” – Jacqueline Novogratz   This is the original photo, taken through the windshield while driving at night. This week’s photo challenge is: Refraction Continue reading Angel

Photo Editing: Making your photos speak

I’ve said before that I think of each photo I take as a canvas with which to play, to see what I can bring out of it.  Ideally I’d like my photos to speak to the viewer, to evoke a feeling or spark a memory. So I challenged myself and took some pretty mundane images and tried to get them to speak …  these are my starting images. The … Continue reading Photo Editing: Making your photos speak