So Inclined

Julia wants us to be humourous this week for her 100 Word Challenge.  With the prompt “ suddenly it was in my hand ….” this is my effort at trying to at least crack a smile –

So Inclined

I said, “handle with care!”, as it flew through the air. Afraid I’d not catch it but needing to snatch it I stretched and …suddenly it was in my hand … and suddenly it was not, I’d lost it. It fell as if I’d tossed it and rattled its way to the door.  I’d turn on the light to improve my sight but it’s failed so you see.  So now I am on the floor and I find, up in the air my great behind, when in she walks with what I’d lost, saying, “You should redefine and redesign that great behind that is thus inclined.”

Image from Free Digital Photos

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