27 thoughts on “Two Part Harmony

  1. Lynne, I’ve just popped over to visit and have read this post.
    My deepest thoughts and sympathies to you at this time of deep loss.. Hugs xx
    Words fail, but you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I happened on a comment you made on my blog many years ago and wondered whether you were still out there. So I find this. I am so sorry. So very sorry. I know it’s been a month or so now..but still I am sure you are heartbroken and will always be that. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. And I hope today is a good day.


    1. Thank you Dawn.Kind words of family and friends are comforting, in knowing that there are people who understand that I am going through something very difficult. I had hesitated over the ‘post’ button, wondering if I wanted it out there, but there is additional comfort in having virtual friends out there too. I do appreciate your kind words.


  3. I love you mum. Glad E is there with you. Let her give you a hug from me. And then give her one back from me. I like this picture of the two of you. You look happy.

    Liked by 1 person

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