Universal language of pictographs

Pictograph symbols are a universal way of communicating pertinent information.  Some are quite graphically self-explanatory without need for the written word …

pictograph symbol sign… and some are notpictograph symbol signSome symbols are particularly welcome when stumbling around foreign territory …

pictograph symbol signpictograph symbol signpictograph symbol signSome alert us to real danger …

pictograph symbol signpictograph symbol sign

pictograph symbolsThis one tells us that the locals in Venice really don’t like it when les touristas wear their backpacks on their vaporettospictograph symbol signBut this is perhaps the most welcome symbol of all …

pictograph symbol signAilsa’s Travel Theme is: Symbol  which was inspired by the out-pouring of praise for Nelson Mandela – a symbol of peace, freedom, humility, unity, transformation and hope.

“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

And he did serve – not just his own people, his own country, but the world.  We all have lessons to learn from Nelson Mandela.

11 thoughts on “Universal language of pictographs

  1. great collection of sigs from such a wide array of places.
    I also want to say how much I love the banner at the top of your page at the moment….its a work of art its so delicious 🙂


    1. Hi Lee – The car into the water was in Russia, and it’s no wonder the Venetians created the backpack pictograph if you’ve been on a vaporetto at rush hour … 😉


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